Monday, November 29, 2010

Corruption for a price of "environment degradation"

Corruption for a price of "environment degradation"

Corruption in its simplest term have varied facets. Corruption in its objective sense, was defined as a"deflection from morality, honesty and duty". In its extensive definition it is an act of abuse of power with the sole purpose of satisfying personal or group wants and interests. To give emphasizes, corruption is not limited to abuse of power, it extends to other resources, like influences, money, nature and even up to the basic necessities.

One of the most noticeable effects of corruption on the environment is in the water sector. Presently, our country is experiencing water shortage. This scenario will continue to worsen because as the water continues to be scarce, competition in water resources will increase.

Most people would only see the problem posed in front of them, and only few would take time to dig deeper and see the root of this problem. Corruption is just a cycle. In this case, as the supply of water decreases because most water reservoir dries up, there will now be a driving force for people to gain and stock more water than they did before; thus, corruption takes place, those who have more resources can gain more access to water and less water for those who have less resources. And the scarce water resource will now be even scarcer resource.

The cycle keeps on turning, as water keeps lacking then there would be less water supply for irrigation and other agricultural activities. Less water for irrigation means less agriculture products and less profit for the farmers then consumers and producers will have less food on their plates which now causes hunger.

Less water underground to cool the earth and on rivers and lakes will mean hotter temperature and less rainfall, and worse can lead to climate change or global warming.

As corruption continues and overuse of water is still present, then no doubt that this will cause the destruction of our environment.

(Transparency International: The global coalition against corruption. 2008. Web.)

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